Through the eyes of Daniel Domscheit-Berg, an early supporter and eventual colleague of Julian Assange, the film follows...
Jeff Goldblum, Geena Davis. A brilliant scientist's unbridled ambition leads to his own grotesque transformation. David Cronenberg directed...
THE FROZEN GROUND is based on the incredible true story that follows Alaskan State Trooper Jack Halcombe (Nicolas...
Edward Wilson understands the value of secrecy - discretion and commitment to honor have been embedded in him...
Academy Award nominee Edward Norton stars as scientist Bruce Banner, a man who has been living in shadows,...
A simpleton leaves his foster family, acquires a girlfriend and invents slip-proof eyeglasses. Please Note: Box art may...
The jungle is jumping again as Mowgli, Baloo, Bagheera, and the rest of your favorite characters return in...
Blu-Ray. Academy Award winners Kevin Spacey (House of Cards) and Kate Winslet (Titanic) star in The Life of...
Johnny Depp and Armie Hammer star in THE LONE RANGER, from Jerry Bruckheimer Films and Director Gore Verbinski....
A boy searches for the one thing that will enable him to win the affection of the girl...
Broadway's longest-running musical of all time celebrates 25 years with a once-in-a-lifetime experience with this lavish, fully-staged production...
Based on the international bestseller, THE RELUCTANT FUNDAMENTALIST is both a gripping thriller and a fascinating look at...