The beloved action series returns after a 14-year slumber! Gungrave VR thrusts players into the chaotic world of...
After a sinister incident in a village...Kasumi, a successor of the legendary Mugen Tenshin ninja clan, abandoned her...
Named after a real-world phenomenon where players’ brains are so engrossed that images of the iconic falling Tetrimino...
Year 199X, the world has been ruined by nuclear war, but humanity has survived. Centuries of civilizations are...
Steins;Gate 0 is the sequel to the best-selling visual novel. Set around a group of students who accidentally...
Embark on a quest from the gods of rock with heavy metal heroesAxl, Lars, FreddieandOzzieinSuper Dungeon Bros, a...
SHERLOCK HOLMES: THE DEVIL’S DAUGHTER is a detective crime thriller that blends taut action and investigative work for...
Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel....
Twenty Years of Tales: Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Tales Of series, Bandai Namco is preparing the...
Join the elite HELLDIVERS, mankind’s last line of defence in a war against a ruthless alien race, in...
The Only Hope:What will happen if the only person and key to save the world is hopelessly and...
As a Pirate it is your right to rule both land and seas! In the Carribean, Black Flag...