Attack on Titan is the critically-acclaimed Japanese anime series, set in a world where humanity lives in cities surrounded...
First appearing in the Star Wars Holiday Special in an animated segment (probably the only decent part of the entire...
It's time to celebrate the women from a galaxy far, far away with Funko's new "Power of the...
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is the smash-hit series set after the events of Avengers 4: Endgame. After being handed the mantle...
Move over Mark IV, Iron Man has a fancy new suit...the Mystic Armour! Iron Man's mystic Armour was a...
Set in the Star Wars Legends expanded universe, Star Wars: Republic Commando allows players to assume the role of RC-1138 ("Boss"), an elite clone...
Set nine months after the events of 2011's Batman: Arkham City, Batman: Arkham Knight follows Batman as he confronts Scarecrow, who has...
Based on the video game series of the same name, Injustice: God Among Us is an animated film based on the...
Sometimes when you're in the midst of battle, superpowers just aren't enough to ensure victory. That's when you...
Celebrate 20 years of Linkin Park’s iconic REAИIMATIOИ with a new Pop! Albums figure from Funko! Released in 2002, REAИIMATIOИ is the...
Long before the smash-hit 1987 animated series, the heroes in a half shell debuted in their own Teenage Mutant...
Ever wanted to own an original copy of Batman Comics #1? Well all you need is two million dollars...